Build Up

Build up Rust environments

Rust is supported in the pre-installed Hacker Tools, including additional tools like lints and analyzers for full integration in code editors. To get started writing Rust in your iPad or iPhone, run in a Blink shell:

build mosh htools

Create a new template project using Cargo:

cargo new hello-rust

Go to hello folder:

cd hello

And run:

cargo run

Now you should see:

Compiling hello v0.1.0 (/root/hello)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.88s
     Running `target/debug/hello`
Hello, world!


Open in Helix*(or your favorite)* editor Cargo.toml, and add under [dependencies]:

ferris-says = "0.2"

Then edit src/ by replacing its content with:

use ferris_says::say;
use std::io::{ stdout, BufWriter };
fn main() {
    let out = b"Hello fellow Rustaceans!";
    let width = 24;
    let mut writer = BufWriter::new(stdout());
    say(out, width, &mut writer).unwrap();

Save, and run your modified application:

cargo run

It should show:

| Hello fellow Rustaceans! |
             \) /  o o  \ (/
               '_   -   _'
               / '-----' \


Cargo can be configured locally by modifying the $HOME/cargo.toml file. By default, Rust installs dependencies in the .target directory of your project. However, for larger projects with many dependencies, this may fill up your Cloud Disk. To avoid this issue, it's recommended to set the target-dir to /tmp instead. This will allow the directory to grow unbounded and reset with the machine.

target-dir = /tmp


Using Rust in Build is no different than your local machine, so you can take it from here with online tutorials and feel comfortable doing so, even if you're just starting out.

If you have additional tips or to learn more about how to code Rust from your iOS device, participate in our discussion.